Mendocino > Camino de Santiago

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The climb...
they kept telling us to take the autoroute...But No...not the Russells!
I am halfway up, 4 hours, 18 kilometers, yes Jiro, we are walking most of the way. Today is like Little River to Ft. Bragg, but uphill like Van Damme canyon all the way to Noyo Bridge, then 'steep' downhill to Oak St. We are learning to swear in many languages! I drank a 70oz camelbak full already. Weather is perfect.
Ok, two camelbaks. Damn, that was tough. 4000' in 16 kilometers one point my altimeter read a climb rate of 21' per minute...walking. Coming down was almost worse, even steeper, 1500' in 2 kilometers, mostly baseball sized rocks. Tom lost traction, skidded past Brian and I, right near the cliff side. Brain yelled at him to steer into the hill, and he pulled it off! Even missed the trees. A little later I went over the bars, a hidden cliff on the other side of a root..flying like superman. No damage to me or the bike. We got into Roncesvalles about two minutes before full dark, very tired. We had a room reserved, since we knew the hill of pain would be...painfull. The rooms were in a converted convent, quite stylin'.

David Russell

OK, we are in France now, outside St. Jean Pied de Port. We got into town pretty late, driving through Spain is/was pretty cool, ancient ruins interspersed with new construction, and sunflowers EVERYWHERE, acres and acres of them. Every old fort was strategically located, and easily defended. Those Romans knew how to fight!
All the rooms in St. Jean were full, the nice French waitress was calling around for us, and the only other table overheard, and said "We know of a place! We followed them on a route I could never retrace to a house out in the boonies...(what is French for 'boonies?)there are 14 others here, and breakfast is at 8, so it is time to say g'night...Buen Camino!

David Russell

On the plane to Spain! Wow, there are Spanish people everywhere!
We are starting the takeoff roll now. 2 more soreass hours to go, then the real pain begins...500 miles on a bicycle seat! I doubt the seat and I will be on speaking terms by the time I get back..
Hopefully the 5 bikes are ALSO on the plane...'this' plane. You're right, Francie...I have seen the similarity in the people. Time to stow the electronic devices. ta ta!

David Russell