Thursday, May 22, 2008

Train ride!

I've loved trains...since I was tiny...
So much better than the bus! The car is full of children from some school, all middle school age, rapid-fire Spanish flying all around. We have to take the local, no bikes allowed on the express, but the stops won't be too bad. This one we are on now goes to Palencia, then we transfer to one up to Fromista, where we left off last year.
These red flowers are everywhere, calling them 'red' does not do them justice...
Well, that was a real thrill...the kids were two groups, boys & girls, apparently on field trip to Madrid from Palencia. One very cute one asked, in perfect English, where we were going, and another asked my name en Español, and they said theirs, which of course I can't remember. It was a fast several hours surrounded bymachine-gun gossip! They played a card game, charades, sang songs, and swapped back rubs, my kinda kids....
We transferred to the Fromista train after the kids got picked up in Palencia by obviously happy parents, and here we are, in the same hostal we stayed in 18 months ago...I can't explain the joy of being back on the Camino, but we are all very happy to be here. Tired, yes...but joyful.
Having said that, g'night!


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